
Archive for August, 2014

Yes, I know… It should be more about words than images, but I just wanted to share some good news I’ve had over the past months (when my word-muse has been quiet and my photo-muse more vocal).

Gold Winner, Architectural Findings & Art, Theme: Forks 12-18 July

Gold Winner, Architectural Findings & Art, Theme: Forks 12-18 July

Bronze Winner, Architectural Findings & Art, theme dogs 2-8 August.

Bronze Winner, Architectural Findings & Art, Theme: Dogs 2-8 August.

Close up 2-8 August

Winner category: Close up Dogs, Architectural Findings & Art, Theme: Dogs 2-8 August

Sleeping 2-8 August

Winner category: Dogs sleeping, Architectural Findings & Art, Theme: Dogs 2-8 August

There, enough boasting/bragging for one day.

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RIP Robin Williams

RIP Robin Williams

He was a stranger to me then,
and today he still is,
but somehow he feels closer to me now.
The sound of his voice,
such familiar bliss,
from childhood’s TV show.

The sadness in his eyes,
though only on-screen:
“Oh, captain, my captain…”
What brilliance to have seen!
He was a stranger to me then,
and today he still is,
but somehow he feels closer to me now.

He was a stranger to me then,
and today he is gone,
he lost the fight, his will, to carry on.
The darkness that surrounds,
makes you feel all alone,
took a star from our skies and today he’s gone.

How he made me laugh,
if only on the screen,
Mrs Doubtfire, Peter Pan…
He made so many of them real!
He was a stranger to me then,
and today he is gone,
but his memory will, forever, in our hearts live on.

I don’t know why Robin Williams’ death has affected me so much… But somehow it has and he hasn’t been far from my mind since I learned of his passing. Perhaps it’s how he represents happy childhood memories (na-no, na-no), teen-age angst (carpe diem) or perhaps it’s all the laughter he’s induced over the years. But maybe, and this is just me, maybe it’s also because I too have suffered severe depression and imagine I understand parts of why this brilliant entertainer decided to end his – to the outside world – enchanted life.

In any case, again, RIP Robin Williams. From a stranger you never met, but whose life you touched in so many ways. You will be missed.

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I wish I had been ready for you
back then, so long ago.
Had known the man you’d grow to be
but how was I to know?

I had the chance, I know I did
back then, so long ago.
Now it’s too late, the moment’s gone
and you will never know.

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