
Posts Tagged ‘God’

If I would have
believed in love
would my life have been
different then?

If I would have
believed in myself
where would
my aims had their end?

If I would have
had hopes in a God
what would
my life have been like?

If I had had
a different creed
would my spacious dreams
have been real?

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Would the nightingale
still sing for me
after I clipped her wings?
Would my jailer then
set me free,
after he’s heard her sing?
Who are the people
she’s singing for
when for her supper
she is made to sing?
Who is the puppeteer
controlling us all,
allowing me to clip
the nightingale’s wings?

Would the forests of the world
still whisper to me
after all the trees are cut down?
Would my jailer in the end
let me go free,
having seen
tree-less soil so brown?
For whom does the forest
really breathe
when its’ role on this planet
is undone?
Who will be the puppeteer
whispering our names
when all our trees are gone?

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I’m not an obsessing fan, following the show every week (and we are, obviously, years behind the real show – if it still exists), but this is one of those shows I really, really enjoy. I’m not quite naive enough to believe it’s all for real, that the guests don’t have a say in the questions they are asked, but I still think it has a fresh, down-to-earth kind of quality to it. At the moment (and for the past couple of years) the show has been aired in Sweden on Friday evenings at around seven-ish, which means I should probably be ashamed of myself for catching so many episodes…

It’s Friday, after all, and I am single. I should probably be out there, trying to capture what ever constitutes a Mr-Right-look-alike these days… I should be out there drinking, being flirty, talking to people… But most Friday evenings I’m not. Most Friday evenings I am alone, at home, and if I’m lucky I have a few glasses of wine to enjoy, some inspiration to write from and the knowledge I can sleep in tomorrow morning. Some Fridays I have the pleasure of having the cutest golden retriever ever born as my companion, but tonight I don’t. I am not yet recovered enough to feel comfortable with the ‘must’ of having to walk her, and therefore having her here is saved for tomorrow (another day when I should be out flirting rather than staying in).

But back to Inside the Actor’s Studio. Tonight I saw the episode with Robert Downey Jr. Drug problems or not, I have always liked him. He has the look I am usually attracted to, and in the TV-series or films I have seen him, he plays someone with something of a brain to him. And tonight I got to see him ‘in the hot-seat’ at Inside The Actor’s Studio, talking reasonably openly about his drug problems, greeting his wife (if they’ve divorced now I guess that will tell you how old the show is) and answering those favourite questions.

If there is a heaven, what would you want to hear God say when he greets you at the Pearly Gates (or is it St Peter? I can’t remember!)? I think it has been made clear from many of my posts that I am not a very religious person. Does God exist? I have no idea! Do I pray? Nope, not so much! Do I believe there are Pearly Gates and that someone will sit there checking my report card to see if I am to be let in or not? No, not so much. But the question is still an intriguing one. What would you like to hear a higher power say to you as you leave this mortal coil of yours?

On the show, many of the answers are rehearsed, I’m sure. Robert Downey Jr, for example, said ‘Boy, did I have a lot of fun with you!’ and I suppose that would be something you would want to hear in that position, having just left your loved ones behind and set out on a journey towards the infinite… But what would I, what would YOU like to hear? It’s not a question that should be reserved only for celebrities and rock stars, is it? We like playing with words, don’t we? Imagine things…

What would I like to hear God say as I pass through the Pearly Gates (provided there is a God and there are Pearly Gates)? I’m sure I could come up with more clever answers, but right now… I would want him/her/it to say ‘Welcome home, here we are all one!’, and after that everything would go black and we’d all meld into a higher consciousness.

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If there is a heaven, would it be different from earth?
They say we were created in His image.
Cast out from Eden, somehow we ended up here?
Should we be complaining, disrespecting the world He created?
Look around at the bountiful blessings bestowed!
On us, mere reflections of divine perfection.
The blue skies above, mirrored in aquatic stillness
or tempered with dark skies and storms.
Red rocks, carved through millions of years,
deep into Mother Earth.
The smile of the child, the abandoned umbrella,
they are all one!
United with urgency, impressing on us
the lesson that we are only
rulers, visitors, of this majestic land.
What is good is also bad, with evil comes the good.
Ponder that for a moment…
There is a yin to every yang, a Devil to every God,
a black to every white and a hate to every love.
Red rose petals fall – we cannot stop them –
to rest in moist black dirt,
and lose their colour with death,
The following year they help nurture
tomorrow’s generation of roses.
Clear water falls from the skies, softly unto earth,
feeds life in countless forms,
only to fall again, and again, and again.
Nothing is ever completely black,
nor is anything ever really white.
The circle of life continues with every day
turning, eternally,
into every night.
Softly, not making any noise,
not taking sides, colliding or
speaking out loud of its progress
it just humbly is.
If there is a heaven, would it be different from earth?

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