
Posts Tagged ‘#12’

Pooky’s Poems Prompt #12

In shadows we see contrasts
on a spectrum from black to white.
often stands for goodness and
dark represents the evil might.

We go through life always searching
making choices, right or wrong.
We divide feelings into love or hate
and time is short or long.


But tell me what happens to
in-between? To normal and just-so?
Have they no value in our lives
when extremes are where we go?

I want to be an in-between person,
not all good and not all bad,
I want my mood to be just-so
not too happy, nor too sad.
I want to just feel normal,
not immersed in love or hate.
But most of all I want to BE
not let shadows rule my fate.

Today’s prompt #12 Light and Dark over at Pooky’s Poems asks us to examine and contrast the extremes. 

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