
Posts Tagged ‘Questioning yourself’

Photo: CC Champagne

I am who I am and that is that
no secrets to hide ‘me’ behind.
Just a girl, growing older,
trying to find herself.
Don’t ask who I am,
I just don’t know!!
All I know;
I am

This was inspired by, and entered at The Gooseberry Garden’s Poetry Picnic Week 16: My Life in Free Verse, hosted by the always amazing Kay Salady. I was also inspired by researching the Thursday Poetry Form (Poetry for Dummies) post on the same blog.

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I don’t think I really want to be
a poet anymore…
No, I think I just want to go back
to the way things were before.
No longer do I want to think
using only words that rhyme,
no longer do I want to feel
that I’m only wasting your time.

I don’t want to have to think of words
to describe every little thing.
Or grovel to a demanding muse
just to get her to sing.
I’m really not sure that I even have
anything left to give,
when it comes to writing poetry
who am I to tell others how to live?

There are so many brilliant poets out there
who do all this better than I!
Who can tell all life’s little stories in words
far more pleasing to the eye.
So many wonderful wordsmiths
who all do it better and more!
Often leaving me redundant
with a soul that is constantly sore!

In a way I really wish I were
no longer a poet, just me!
That words would no longer so mesmerize
and that my mind, relieved, could soar free!

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I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes last night
and I drank a bottle of wine.
Right now I’m wondering ‘what the hell?’,
but right then it felt so fine.

I really wouldn’t have minded as much
if I’d woken up as I should.
But now I’m hung over and coughing bad
and wondering how I could?

Where have I hid my aspirin?
I have to call my boss!
Why didn’t my alarm go off?
Already this day is a loss!

Since it is so absolutely spot on I entered this at dVerse Poets Pub Opening Celebration.

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If there’s no alcohol, no sleeping pills,
come on,
what’s your excuse?
Are you simply horrid?
Just admit it, what’s the use?

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